All requirements need to be met in order to reserve a baptism
The Sacrament of Baptism receives a child into the church community.
Parents must provide a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate. If the child is adopted, a legal document showing tutorial custody must be presented.
Permission Letter: Parents must be registered in our parish. If they are living outside our boundaries, they are required to obtain a permission letter from their pastor.
Civil Marriage: We will baptize the baby of parents living in a civil marriage. We hope that the parents will use this opportunity to bless their marriage in the church so that they can return to the sacraments. Schedule an appointment with the priest or deacon.
Pre-Baptismal Class: Parents and Godparents must attend a pre-baptismal class. The Code of Canon Law number 851 states: “The parents of an infant who is to be baptized and likewise those who are to undertake the office of sponsor (godparent) are to be properly instructed in the meaning of this sacrament and the obligations which are attached to it.
It is still required that the parents or guardians of the child choose godparents who have received all the sacraments of initiation namely baptism, confirmation, and eucharist. Moreover, the godparents must be married in the church if they are living with someone.
Thank you, Fr. James F. Oropel
NOTE: Children seven (7) years and over will need to enroll in the R.C.I.C. program to receive catechesis before baptism.
GODPARENTS REQUIREMENTS Godparents serve as the child’s sponsors. The Code of Canon Law number 874.2 sets down the requirements for the sponsor.
Must be at least sixteen years old or greater (Diocese of San Bernardino Be a Catholic, have received Eucharist, have been confirmed, and lead a life in harmony with the faith.)
Not bound by any canonical penalty legitimately imposed or declared (i.e. living in an invalid marriage)
Must present a copy of the following:
Copy of Marriage Certificate. (if married in the church)
Copy of Baptismal Certificate. (married or single)
Copy of Confirmation Certificate. (married or single)
Copy of Communion Certificate. (married or single)
A person may not act as a godparent without these requirements.
Boundaries: Godparents, not in our boundaries, can attend the pre-baptismal class in their own parish and must submit a certificate of completion by the date requested.
NOTE: Non-Catholic Sponsor. A parent can select as one of the sponsors a baptized non-Catholic to serve with a Catholic sponsor. However, this person does not receive the designation of “Godparent” but that of a “Christian Witness”.
∗There is a $75 non-refundable fee per child.
For the dates of baptisms please contact the parish office at 951-674-6881